The Ultimate Spiritual Cleansing Bath: Ritual + Recipe

The Ultimate Spiritual Cleansing Bath: Ritual + Recipe

Oftentimes in life we fall back into old habits, and very easily fall back into our old and toxic ways of living. It happens to even the best of us…. Although sometimes it may take a lot to get out of this “rut,” sometimes all it takes is a good ritual. In this case, a spiritual cleansing bath.  

The purpose of a spiritual cleansing bath is to rid you of all unwanted energy that you’re holding onto. It is allowing you to clean your slate, and give you a fresh start. When you do this ritual, you are able to let go of all the energy that DOES NOT serve you, and from there you will be able to move forward.

This ritual should be an enjoyable and relaxing experience, so I encourage you to make it unique to you. But…here are some basic steps to get you started. :) 

Step 1: Clean your space

Since a spiritual cleansing bath is meant to be a “fresh start,” you want to make sure you are starting out on the right foot. So before you start the actual ritual, take some time to organize and clean your space. If you can, you should also cleanse the energy of your space by burning sage or palo santo, or even diffusing some energy clearing essential oils. 

You should also shower and clean yourself before taking the actual spiritual cleansing bath. This is crucial because the bath should be solely for the purpose of clearing energy, and should be a soulful experience. 

Step 2: Prepare the bath: 

Next, you want to pick out the ingredients you want to use, and prepare the bath. 

As you probably already know, in the spiritual community everything has a specific energy. That is why there are many different recipes for spiritual cleansing baths. Sooo, you really don’t have to stick to an exact recipe. In fact, you should actually be personalizing your spiritual baths, and pick ingredients that you’re most drawn to. You also want to make sure all your ingredients are good quality (not too processed). 

To get you started, I will add a basic recipe you should follow, but don’t be afraid to add some extra ingredients if they match the vibe you’re going for. ;)

Spiritual Cleansing Bath Recipe:

  • Salt: This could be Sea Salt, Pink Himalayan salt, Epsom Salt or all three. 
  • Essential Oils: Next you want one or two essential oils. The best essential oils for energy clearing include: Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, Sage, Lemon, and Grapefruit. 
  • Crystals: Next pick one of your favorite crystals. All crystals hold good energy, but the best ones for energy clearing include: Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, and Amethyst. 
  • Candles: Lighting some candles in the bathroom will add some light energy into the mix. A white candle is preferred since it symbolizes cleansing and purity, but any candle would work. 

After you’ve compiled the recipe you’re going to use, start to create the atmosphere and prepare the bath. 

To create a nice atmosphere start by dimming the lights and lighting the candles. Then you can add anything else you desire to create the perfect atmosphere (plants are great).

The last thing you should do is run the bath and add the ingredients. When adding each ingredient, make sure to do it with intention. For example you can use an affirmation such as “this salt is shifting the energy of the water.” Or, you can use visualization. For example, when adding the salt you can imagine a white light purifying the water. 

Step 3: Soak up the good energy: 

The next step is to ENJOY THE BATH. This is YOUR time!! It’s your time to relax, and cleanse your aura, so you should have that intention while you’re soaking up the good energy. 

During your spiritual cleansing bath, you should carry out your intention to cleanse your energy. You can do this by meditating, visualizing, or using affirmations. Below are some ideas...

  • Visualization techniques: Imagine all the negative energy leaving your body for a minute. Then spend the rest of the visualization imagining a white light entering your body and filling it with pure and positive energy. 
  • Spiritual Cleansing Bath Affirmations: 

"This water is clearing all unwanted energy. "

"My energy is shifting. "

"I am raising my vibration. "

During your energy clearing bath, you also want to make sure you soak every part of you, even your face and hair. So that you can be COMPLETELY rid of negative energy. 

Step 4: Wear white:

My next step is to put on an all white outfit as soon as you get out of the bath. You may also want to put on something nice. This will symbolize the importance of your spiritual cleansing bath, and act as a reminder to refrain from things that may invite negativity back in.

The significance of wearing white is to bring about purity, and invite more positivity in. 

Step 5: Have an evening of Self Care: 

What you do AFTER the bath, is just as important as the actual bath itself. Remember that this bath was meant to give you a fresh start, and NEW energy. So you should use it as a fresh start. 

Try to avoid watching TV, or going on social media, as it will most likely just invite some negativity back in. 

Instead, spend the rest of the evening doing more self care. Spend your evening doing your favorite mindful activities.

Maybe spend some time outside, do some journaling, reading, cooking, or meditating. Then maybe turn in early, and allow the good energy to soak in overnight. 

These steps may seem like a lot, but a spiritual bath is meant to be a ritual. It’s meant to be a special event you do once in a while. So before you take a spiritual cleansing bath, make sure that you are fully committed to it, and you will definitely feel the benefits of it.

So, thanks for reading, and remember to have fun with this. :) 

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